Friday, January 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Technically, it's Friday, but since I haven't gone to sleep yet, it still counts as Thursday night. Tonight (or this morning) I am feeling very grateful for the following "top ten" things (in random order as they pop into my slightly-fevered brain):

1) being married to my most wonderful and supportive friend

2) our overall good (and improving) health

3) a Heavenly Father who knows each one of us as His much-loved child

4) available medical care (and insurance!)

5) two sweet daughters that have been extremely thoughtful and considerate lately (not that they aren't usually)

6) our cozy home that is a refuge from the world (and the wind!)

7) homeschooling - always a blessing, but this week because we don't have to completely miss school when we have "sick days"

8) an amazing support network of family and friends, in "real" life, and online

9) a consistenly clean kitchen sink (a la FlyLady)

10) making progress (baby steps, but progress) in reaching goals, personal and family

I was kind of hoping that counting blessings would work like counting sheep is supposed to work, but I'm not feeling sleepy, just very, very, blessed!

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