Monday, April 07, 2008

“I Stand All Amazed.”

Truly, “I stand all amazed.”

It was a weekend like no other. We were spiritually fed and indeed, my cup runneth over.

Last month at our stake leadership training, I was given a new journal with the admonition to use it to record “things of the spirit” – notes taken while listening to a talk in sacrament meeting, participating in a class lesson in Sunday School or Relief Society, studying the scriptures, or whenever an inspirational thought occurs. On the cover, it says, “Allow the spirit within you to illuminate your path.”

I broke in the little book as I soaked up the words of wisdom and counsel given to us by inspired leaders in the 178th Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held last weekend (Apr. 5-6, 2008). I’ve always enjoyed conference (well, maybe not ALWAYS) but this one stands out because the messages from the first to the last were ALL amazing.

The highlight of the conference, though, without a doubt, was being allowed to be a witness as the prophetic mantle descended upon our new prophet and president of the church, Thomas S. Monson. Sharing the experience with Woody made it even more a memory I will treasure always. As Pres. Monson spoke of the on-going battle between good and evil, I have no doubt but that it was a prophetic utterance when he said that we need not despair because we WILL win the war because our God is a God of light and hope!

As the mantle settled on him, I heard it in his voice, and I felt it in my spirit.

“I believe we’re all the more determined to live the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” ~ Pres. Monson

I believe he’s right, and I will follow him. Paraphrasing the words of our new prophet, “Together we shall move forward doing His work… according to His will, and by His inspiration.”

Together, Woody and I will guide our daughters as we all move forward. Our path is illuminated by the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We may stumble occasionally, but we WILL keep moving forward because we won't forget that witness of the spirit.

I do, I do... I stand ALL amazed.

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